An intentional postpartum may sound super daunting but it doesnt have to be, here are some tips to help create your plan.
1. Plan to rest
”Because we are bleeding, lactating, not sleeping, scared to poo, learning, loving and adjusting. We should not be cooking, cleaning, folding laundry and doing dishes.”
You should be resting, recovering, healing. It seems a bit strange really to be making a plan to rest, but it should be a priority. No need to feel guilty, you deserve & need this mama.

2. Set and know your boundaries.
Really think about what will support and help you the most. When it comes to visitors, it is totally OKAY to say no. It is totally OKAY to say “thank you for coming, but i am going to have a nap now.” This is your space, your friends and family should respect you. Know that it is okay!
3. Plan your recovery.
Invest in a postpartum doula to support you in those initial weeks or months. A postpartum doula’s role is to support the mum (and dad!) be the best they can be for their new babe.
“A doula does not come flying in with a superhero cape on but rather helps their client find theirs” - Renee Adair
Find a doctor you are comfortable with so when you hit that six week mark, you can have a thorough check up that includes a blood test.
Dont forget to also think about looking into a womens health physio to help support your pelvis recovery.
4. Write down who you can ask for help.
And actually do it! Dont be afraid to ask for help This can be the hardest one out of them all; trust me I get it! But know, people WANT to help! People want to be a part of your village.
5. Stock your pantry and your freezer.
There are some incredible postpartum meals and recipes out there, but my biggest advice would truly just be - have good food accessible! Stock your pantry to make sure healthy, yummy and nutrient dense.

This isnt about being self indulgent, postpartum care, IS important and the reality is we, as new mums do need to make it a priority and plan for it.