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Tips for surviving the first trimester of pregnancy

Hannah Marshal

Oh i remember how full on the first trimester can be ~ you have the most wonderful news you want to shout about… but you may not really want to tell everyone yet ~ combine it with all day nausea, food aversions, cravings and exhaustion, it is a wild ride!

Here are some things that helped me survive the first trimester.

⭐️1. Rest when you can.

Start practising making time to rest, it will be beneficial to you throughout your whole pregnancy, postpartum, motherhood and beyond. Just take the moment to rest, whenever. you. can!

🌟2. Move in ways that are safe & helpful for you.

If you can continue your exercise routine (if you have one) keep it up, sometimes a nice walk can actually keep the nausea at bay & make you feel a little better.

🌟3. Eat what you can, when you can.

Okay this one was definitely the hardest one for me, with my first pregnancy I suffered with HG (Hyperemesis gravidarum) which meant I was very sick all day long, then my next two pregnancies although not as bad - it was tough when all my body really wanted was premium crackers & iceblocks. There are some amazing nutrient loaded snacks available to eat whilst pregnant, but my best advice would just be to eat what you can, when you can!

🌟4. Drink plenty of water.

Stay hydrated. It is recommended to drink 8-12 cups of water a day during pregnancy. Keeping hydrated by drinking water has so many benefits as it helps your body absorb nutrients and transport vitamins, minerals, and hormones throughout your body and to your baby as well as preventing infections, discomfort and dehydration.

🌟5. Know your support system & ask for help.

Don’t feel bad to ask for help or support ~ if you dont feel well, talk to someone. If you do feel well & just want to chat all things baby, talk to someone!

🌟6. Trust your body & yourself.

Your body knows what it is doing. It is growing a beautiful little human, and supporting you in the process. It is hard; hang in there mama. You have got this ❤️

How about you, everybody has a different body & different experience, what helped you?


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