The golden moments (I said moments because even though more commonly referred to as the golden hour, I dont think there should be a particular time attached whether it is little moments are a long moment) are the first few magical hours after a baby is born when a mother has uninterrupted skin-to-skin with her baby.
During this time, a mother should be in a calm, quiet environment with her baby. Often in Western societies, the general procedure does not emphasise skin to skin immediately after birth, and often times a baby is taken away to be weighed, measured and cleaned. unless there is a medical reason, the first moments, the first hour after vaginal and cesarean births ~ the golden hour - should be a time where the focus is on the mother & baby.
The golden moments are not only a beautiful bonding experience for mother & baby but can also be so beneficial in assisting with:
Regulating temperature and blood sugar
Supports breastfeeding
Stimulates digestion
Regulates babys heart rate & breathing
Helps increase a newborn baby’s immunity
Calms mum and baby & promotes connection
Experience the breast crawl
Promote delayed cord clamping
There are so many more incredible benefits & should be an important part when you are thinking about your birth plan. By becoming educated with the benefits of a golden hour, it may assist you in advocating for it as part of your plan.
Did you experience the golden hour after birth?