What if, instead of asking a new mother if her new, beautiful baby is a good sleeper or if they are a good baby (What does this even mean!?) ~ why don’t we take the time to hold that newborn mother and ask her questions that are supportive & loving.
How are you feeling in this moment?
Do you currently feel supported?
What can I do to support you?
How are you coping with this big transition?
Do you need me to just listen?
Do you want to debrief about the your birth story?
What is your favourite meal that I can make for you?
What can I bring you ~ a coffee or a tea?
It is OK if you needed to cancel our plans for today.
What can I help you with whilst I am here?
Next time you are visiting a new mother, think ~ what would I need the most if I was her? What would support me?

Be the support you would want & you would need 💛